Thursday, May 6, 2010

Do I need to wish his birthday??

Hari ni..

besday EX aq...

aq ptut wish die ke x ea??

hmm.. korang rse?? cmner??

ble aq ingt balik, rse malas plak nk wish.. tp.. biar jew ar.. aq pn dh mls dh nk ingt blik..

dah lme dh kot ktowg clash.. aq pn dh lme maafkan die..

so, dh x de pape kowt aq ptut ingt kt die..

blurrrr... hoho.. :p

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

18 SX.. Anak2 kecil ngaak bisa baca ya!.. :p

9gag:  Things Not To Say During Sex

  • I'm not horny right now.. Dun misunderstood ya!
  • I'm taken this from my high school junior, Cherrie Chin, her posting is Things Not To Say During Sex.
  • Ini untuk korang2 yang rase2 nk maen tu, hah, ni ar advise dr aq.. wakakakaka.. (weyh, buat lepas kawin, kalo x naya ooo..)
  • Aq masih suci lg ok.. x caye lantak korang ar.. aq cme jujur dgn diri jew.. lalalala~~