Thursday, October 1, 2009

When A Gurl Meet A Webcam...

Actually, I create tis post for no purpose... haha... since dh lme x update blog...

Ni pic mse kt UM dlu... Kt bilik... I wana colur my hair red in colour actualy but since I haven't bleach it b4 colour, then the colour become perang... zaman3 jahiliyah dlu... hahaha... Time ni tgh bosan2... Ari Sbtu, nk kuar, sure bnyk fulus abis... so mlayan ar webcam... huhu...

Just taken tis pics at 8.00p.m. +/- Mse Moe tengah test MEB... hmm.. i've plan to wear tis at CHEST Dinner next week but... hmm... dun wanna take any risk la.. or cover wif selendang... ok gak... hmm...


morina said...

iskh2..posing maut tgh berperang ngan buku MEB..dia syok2 tangkap gambar dlm bilik yer..x per2..k la..melaram r sakan time dinner nti..huhu..aaaaargh..x suka jadi penunggu setia kat blk pa nti time dinner..huhuhu

Anonymous said...

wslm, wat to do... huhu... bnyk mse trluang kan... pnunggu blik pa ker? kesian akk sorang niyh... xpe2, nnti srh abg saf teman ea... sure sejuk ati... ha3...